Insurance for Natural Disasters

Natural DisastersFires and floods: two common headlines throughout the country recently. Hurricane Ida wreaked havoc throughout Louisiana and up the Northeast coast as the fifth-strongest hurricane hit the mainland of the United States. Wind damage and flooding destroyed homes, cars, and many structures, and the death toll has sadly climbed to over 60 so far from this powerful storm. On the other side of the country, several fires, notably the Dixie and Caldor fires, have spread rapidly destroying wildlife, properties, and lives along their paths. In Utah, we saw fires in Parley’s Canyon, near Huntsville, and by St. George this year. Additionally, flash flooding from intense rainfall in Southern and Central Utah areas have damaged or destroyed businesses and homes alike as well as resources and roadways in Capitol Reef and Zions.

Some natural disasters come with a little warning, giving us a short amount of time to prepare for the worst. But sometimes, this is not the case. The Wasatch Front expects an earthquake of about 6.0 or greater within the next 50 years, which is very soon in terms of the Earth’s timeframe. This is one disaster many Utahns have been getting prepared for by updating many buildings or houses, getting food storage in place, planning emergency evacuation routes, and more.

This information is not intended to frighten the reader by any means, but more to inform and stress the importance of being prepared and proactive should the worst befall us. When major disasters occur, such as Hurricane Ida or a fire of Dixie’s magnitude, it’s taxing on insurance companies. Hurricane Ida’s damage alone has caused an estimated $18 billion dollars (so far) to be covered by insurers.

What does this mean for you here in Utah? It’s an indication for you to look into supplemental insurance for your home and to see what your insurance policy covers on any automobiles, RVs, or boats you may own. Homeowners insurance does not cover some events and damages. Flood damage and earthquake damage are two natural disasters that are not generally included in your homeowners insurance. Termite damage is another exclusion, which can come as a surprise to many. If you have high-dollar items in your home, such as a collectible item or family heirloom, they are typically excluded as well. If you want these items covered, a separate policy is usually required.

It’s not very fun to process the emotions of “what ifs” and we don’t encourage worrying about things out of our control. However, take a moment to think about your options to ensure you’re as protected and ready as possible for undesirable events. With a reliable and honest insurance company, you can tackle the topic quickly then trust they have your back so you can live your life with peace of mind that you’ve done what you need to do. At Four Seasons Insurance Agency, let us do the worrying for you. We’re a full-service agency where you can get all the extra coverage you want and need. Call us with your concerns and questions.

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